Ok so I think I'm starting to get the hang of this whole blog thing, thanks in part to my sister in-law. So I've been going to Vegas every summer since I was 7 but I've never been able to experience it the way adults do. The last time I was there it was a month before my 21st birthday and the last time Luke had been there, he was 6. So we both decided that we wanted to make that our destination for our honeymoon. It was an awesome vacation! This was our first time out of state by ourselves, other than Wendover (which I don't think really counts, it's only 2 hours away). The drive there was so long and draining! I drove the entire way, I guess I just like driving. I was so worried about checking in

though. I had already changed my last name on my ID and my reservation was in my maiden name. Then my friend told me that Vegas has problems accepting a temporary ID as proper indentification. So I freaked out about that, since that's all I had. Thankfully I wasn't ID'd once during my stay, or does that mean I look old? We stayed at a fairly new casino called South Point. It was really nice! It had a movie theater, a bowling alley with $1.00 bowling after midnight, tons of yummy resturaunts, and in room movies. It felt so good to just get a break from everything and everyone. The first night we arrived in Vegas was Sunday January 4th, we were so exausted that we passed out at 8:30 that night. The next m

orning we went down into the casino to try out the buffet, I love the little omelets they make! After that it was a day of adventure. We went over to Sam's Town over on Boulder Highway, to see if we could watch the lazer and water effects show. The next show wasn't for 2 hours so we left and ate again. We then ventured to the strip and went to the Stratosphere. Luke had never been to the top and he was amazed at the view when we got up there. It was really sad though, the strip looked nothing like I had remembered it. They had taken down a lot of the original casinos and some of the newer ones. They had a ton of construction and a ton of highrises, it was really dissapointing for me. Things began to look up though. 1: I found wine coolers with plastic soda p

op type bottle, they had a lid that screwed on and off 2: There was this awesome guy doing charicatures (I'm sure that's spelled wrong, please forgive me). We decided to do one. I've only had it done one other time and I was with my dad, so it was really special to be able to share all of this with Luke. 3: When we got to the bottom again they have this new thing where you can purchase pictures of yourself on the strip backround. They do this with a picture they take before you go up the tower. So all and all it was fun. We never made it back to Sam's town that day. We went back to our hotel and lounged around until midnight, when we went bowling. It was awesome, the dude only charged us for one person! We paid

$ 15 for 10 games, how great is that? My thumb hurt so bad, by the time we were done. The next day we met with my dad's girlfriend for lunch. We ate at a dinner called Blueberry Hill. I've never ate anything like that. I ate a 1/3 lb burger and all my fries, Luke had a mexican sampler plate and he ate every single bit of it, which is highly unusual. He normally complains, so it must have been really good. Plus we each had a huge sundae! I think we were full for hours after that, thanks Deb, we love you! Later that evening we made our way to the strip. I parked at TI since it's pretty central and I knew how to get there. As we made our way out of TI we noticed a crowd developing so we figured the Siren show was gett

ing ready to start. It was onlt 15 minutes away, so we decide to stay and watch it since neither one of us had seen it before. It was a pretty good show, but I think they're old show with the british and the pirates was better. We left after that and walked over to The Mirage and as we were walking by the volcano was getting ready to erupt so we stayed to watch that. From there we walked over to Ceaser's Palace, where we ate at The Cheesecake Factory with our giftcard from Andy and Camie, thanks guys it was delicious!!! After that we went and bought me one of those huge drinks you see people walking down the strip with. It was really good, it was Pina Colada and Strawberry. I drank most of it, but let me tell you I was sick at 2 o'clock in the morning! On the way back to our hotel, we stopped at the original Welcome to Las Vegas sign and took a few pictures of it, the other side said drive carefully. The next day we rented movies in our room and just relaxed. We watched Saw V and Zach and Miri Make a Porno. We had an awesome trip and were sad to leave, but at the same time we were relieved to go home. We missed the babies and our dog!

Luke was supposed to drive all the way home to compensate for me driving there, but unfortunately Luke bruised his tailbone doing sit-ups on a hard floor. So I drove home, it was ok though. Luke was our scenic photographer on the way back and we also stopped at his aunts house, sadly she wasn't home. On the plus side she had left us a card with money in it, which was awesome considering we had just spent all our money living in Vegas for 4 days. I would love to it again next year, I'm just not sure if we'll have the money. Maybe next year we'll goto Lava Hot Springs ;) I hope you enjoy some of our pics, just as we enjoyed our trip!